4x4 Action Group - Terms of use
Welcome to the 4x4 Action Group Forum!
The primary purpose of the 4x4 Action Group forum is as a communication too for the 4x4 Action Group Club. This forum is primarily for paid up members of the 4x4 Action Group and is not intended to replace or compete with any other existing Forum.
As a 4x4 Club Forum, this platform is for 4x4 related topics and topics of interest to the 4x4 User. Subjects like: 4x4 training, recoveries, technical vehicle info, camp sites, over land routes, 4x4 tyres etc. are welcomed, but we are not interested in pool pump problems, ants in your garden or your mundane job.
This is a place where you can learn, teach, share, inform, laugh, relax and have fun. Please ensure that you do not prevent others from doing the same.
Moderation will be relaxed, but DO NOT get personal and do not post anything against the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa(racism for example).
You agree not to post any abusive, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws of your country, the country where the “4x4 Action Group” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification to your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that The “4x4 Action Group” has the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, the “4x4 Action Group” shall not be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
By accessing the “4x4 Action Group” forum, you agree to be legally bound by these terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of these terms then please do not access and/or use the “4x4 Action Group” forum.
You agree that you have read and will abide by the 4x4 Action Group Code of Conduct.